I'm a doctor, not an engineer." - Doctor Leonard McCoy, Star Trek, The Original Series
I've used the script from the last entry on and off over the years and have not yet had the need to do this in SQL Server.
I started trying to write my own code to perform the same task and thought to do a Google search and found the following:
So, I'm replicating that code here, just so should I ever need it, I'll have it at my fingertips.
The one thing that this does that my Oracle variant does not, is list constraints as well.
SELECT obj.NAME AS TableName ,col.NAME AS ColumnName ,sys.systypes.NAME + CASE WHEN systypes.NAME LIKE 'n%char' THEN ' (' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, col.length / 2) + ')' WHEN systypes.NAME LIKE '%char%' THEN ' (' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, col.length) + ')' ELSE '' END AS DataType ,CASE col.isnullable WHEN 0 THEN 'NOT NULL' ELSE '' END AS Nullable ,CASE WHEN COLUMNPROPERTY(obj.id, col.NAME, 'IsIdentity') = 1 THEN 'IDENTITY ' WHEN conobj.type = 'D' THEN 'DEFAULT ' + syscomments.TEXT WHEN conobj.type = 'F' THEN 'REFERENCES ' + fkobj.NAME + '.' + fkcol.NAME ELSE '' END AS Constraints FROM sys.sysobjects AS obj INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS col ON obj.id = col.id INNER JOIN sys.systypes ON sys.systypes.xtype = col.xtype LEFT JOIN sys.sysconstraints AS con INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects AS conobj ON con.constid = conobj.id ON con.id = obj.id AND con.colid = col.colid LEFT JOIN sys.syscomments ON conobj.id = sys.syscomments.id LEFT JOIN sys.sysforeignkeys AS fk INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS fkcol ON fk.rkeyid = fkcol.id AND fk.rkey = fkcol.colid INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects AS fkobj ON fkcol.id = fkobj.id ON conobj.id = fk.constid AND obj.id = fk.fkeyid AND col.colid = fk.fkey WHERE (obj.type = 'U') AND (sys.systypes.NAME <> 'sysname') ORDER BY obj.NAME, col.colid